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How to turn ON delete confirmation on Linux Mint?

This step-by-step article will help you to enable the file deletion confirmation dialog in Linux Mint operating system. - Article by Editor (9to6linux) on

How to turn ON delete confirmation on Linux Mint?

How to turn ON delete confirmation on Linux Mint?

If you have just moved from Microsoft Windows operating system to Linux, you might have noticed that when you delete a file or a folder in Linux it deletes the file without confirming. If your Linux File Manager simply deletes the file to Trash, without confirming, here's how you can enable it.

We will be demonstrating it in Linux Mint, and I hope that it is less or more the same in the other Linux variants.

To turn ON the delete confirmation in Linux Mint, follow the steps as mentioned below:

  1. Open your File Manager, and navigate to /home.
  2. Now open the Edit menu, and click on Preferences.
  3. From the left navigation tab, select Behavior.
  4. Scroll down to the section called Trash and select the following checkbox ("Ask before moving files to the Trash") as shown in the following screenshot:

How to turn ON delete confirmation on Linux Mint?

Now the next time you try to delete a file or a folder from your File Manager, you will be prompted to confirm whether you want to delete that file or folder. Click the "Move to Trash" button to confirm the deletion.